THE TRUTH John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life
Draga bra?o i sestre, dragi naši prijateli, pozdravljam vas u ime Gospodnje i ime ISTINE .
Danas bi želeo da govorim nešto o spasenju kroz Istinu. U našim zajednicama se propoveda uglavnom spasenje kroz Krista. I to je u redu ali to je samo za doba Milosti koja traje ali Milost Božija ?e prestati uskoro i mnogi ?e zakasniti da u?u u Barku Spasenja po Milosti i da prihvate Jagnje Božije kao Božji dar za naše spasenje.
Ne?e se Duh moj doveka boriti sa vama kaže Gospod. Jer se ve? radi Tajna Bezakonja samo dok se ukloni onaj koji zadržava, a to je Duh Sveti koji živi u srcima oni koji veruju u Isusa Krista i priznaju ga kao svog spasitelja. Jer je Bogu omilijo ovaj svet da je dao svog sina za njeg da ni jedan koji ga veruje ne pogine nego da ima život ve?ni. To je Milost.
Koju su neki odbacili: kao Židovi, Muslimani, Konfucijanci, itd. Danas svet se nalazi u velikom zlu, Bog opominje sve ljude da se pokaju i prihvate Božji Dar ali oni uporno odbijaju.
I šta ?e se dogoditi? Hrist ?e do?i iznenada i uzeti svoju nevestu, a sa njom i Duh Božji. Ljudi ?e se po?eti da ponašaju kao zveri, bi?e borba za preživljavanje i borba za goli život. Mi to vidimo ve? danas šta se doga?a po svetu. Narodi se bune, nezadovoljni su sa ovozemalskim vlastima a nebesku nisu poštovali, i to im je došlo kao kazna Božija i proklestvo.
Blago onome koji ima djel u prvom vaskrsenju. Noje i 8 duša je spašeno ne zato što su bili bolji od drugi ve? su poslušali upozorenje na opasnost koja dolazi od Božijeg sluge Noa. Oni su ušli u Barku na vreme, nisu oklevali i kada je po?eo Boži sud na zemlji oni su bili spaseni od te nevolje. Jer su bili na sigurnom mestu koje je Bog pripravijo za nji.
Bog je opominjo mnogo puta na razne na?ine, preko Proroka Sveštenika Jovana Krstitelja pa ?ak i preko svog SINA ISUSA KRISTA. To je bila živa Božija RE? koja se utelovila. Jovan Krstitelj je pozivo na pokajanje i dostojan rod pokajanja. Ljudi koji su poverovali dolazili su da potvrde svoju veru kod Jovana da se krste u reci Jordanu. Dolazili su i farizeji i saduceji ali i Jovan ukorava da nisu dostojni da prime krštenje jer se nisu iskreno pokajali od svoji greha. Nazvo i je porodi zmijini seme ?avolsko. Oštre su to re?i bile za nji.
Tada je ugledo jednog koji dolazi k njemu da se krsti, bijo je to Isus . Jovan je ga smatro ve?im od njega i mislijo je da je on nedostojan da to u?ini, ve? da Isus treba njega da krsti. Ali Isus mu kaže, ostavi sada to treba nam ispuniti svaku pravdu Božiju. Jovanu je bilo otkriveno da je to Jagnje Božije koje grehe sveta uze na sebe. Rekao je, bijo je samnom a ja ga ne pozna. DA JE ON. Nakon krštenja Duh Božji kao golub je seo na njega i ?uo se glas Božji, ovo je moj sin ljubazni njega poslušajte.
Jovan je reko sada on treba da raste a ja da se umanjujem ili utihnem. On je bijo Starozavetni Prorok koji je oštro upozoravo i careve za greh ali time je navuko mržnju na sebe od grešnika i tako jedna grešnica Irodijada tražila je njegovu glavu na dar. Što je reko da ona i njen muž žive u grehu i preljubi. Ona je bila i snaha i žena svome muzu Irodu.
Kada su ?uli dva ucenika Jovanova za Isusa da je on obe?ani Mesija, oni su otišli za Isusom a napustili Jovana. Jedan od nji zvao se ANDRIJA koji je doveo svog brata SIMONA ka ISUSU kasnije prozvanog Petrom. I on je pao u senku svog velikog brata PETRA i osto je kao Kamen Me?nik izmedju Starog i Novog Zaveta, on je bijo u?enik i Jovanov i Isusov. To je ANDRJIN Krst, on je malo iskrivljen u obliku slova X baš zbog toga što je po nekima on degradiran a bijo je prvi iali je posle posto poslednji. Ali nije zaboravljen od Boga.
Isus je imao 12 u?enika i propovedao je po svim selima i gradovima , le?ijo bolesne, slepima davao vid, hromi su hodali, i to je bijo znak njegove Božanske moci. Ali Juda je ga izdao, njegov u?enik, prodao ga za 30 srebrenika, izdo je krv pravu. Petar se odreko i izgubijo Apostolsku Službu ali ga je Isus kasnije vratijo kad je ga pito pred u?enicima, Petre ljubiš li me? Da Gospode ti znaš kako te ja ljbim. Pasi ovce moje i jaganjce moje. Nije mu zamerijo zbog toga što je uradijo. Jer je on pun ljubavi i milosti.
Božji put je uzan i trnovit ali Isus je svetlo na tom putu. Kao što trn procveta u divan cvet ružu koja ima svoj miris i po mirisu se pozna kakva je ruža u pitanju kad je sunce obasja. Tako i sledbenici Hristovi na uzanom putu procvetaju kad i Kristova svetlost obasja, oni znaju šta je istina a šta laž i šta dolazi od Oca Svetlosti a šta od oca laži.
No Danas ima mnogo Lažni Oceva kojima se mnogi mole ali to nije put u Istini. Ljudi me ?esto pitaju koja je vera prava. Judaizam, Islam ili Hriš?anstvo. A ja im kažem da je vera prava vera u živoga Boga koji je pobedijo Smrt i Pakao i on živi, pa ako on živi i mi ?emo živeti sa Njim. Samo živom Bogu mi se možemo moliti i ?ekati odgovor. Od mrtvoga nema odgovora na molitvu. Kipovi ne pomažu ništa. Treba i nositi nemogu i?i ne mogu u?initi ni dobra a ni zla.
Dakle verujemo u Boga koji još uvek vlada sa svim što vidimo i nevidimo. PRAVA VERA JE U SRCU. u Rim posl. 10:10 piše Jer se srcem veruje za PRAVDU a ustima PRIZNAJE za SPASENJE.
U Starom Zavetu trebalo se poštovati MOJSIJEV zakon koji nije bijo savršen . Sudije su izricali presudu na temelju dokaza i svedo?anstva dva ili tri svedoka. A ako su bili svedoci lažni covek izgubi glavu i ako je prav. TO SE VIDELO KOD SU?ENJA ISUSU. On je bijo Pravednik ali je lažno optužen i razapet na krstu Golgotskom. Bog Otac je i to oprostijo jer je to bila Žrtva za naše spasenje RANOM njegovom mi se ISCELISMO. Ako verujemo, ako ne onda ?e nam biti to na osudu.
Zato Bog gleda na SRCE on ne gleda na ono što ljudi gledaju. U srcu je pravda kao na HARD Disku u kompjuteru sve su informacije tu. I tu se vidi Istina. Kao na detektoru laži ili istine. I onda ?e Gospod suditi po PRAVDI I ISTINI koja ?e vladati u Milenijumu i te dve imenice su ženskog roda to se nemisli
na Mariju kako neki tuma?e da ?e u tre?em Milenijumu moliti se ženi. To nije Istina to je laž. BOG JE ISTINA. Danas sam reko da ?u govoriti o pravdi i istini. Bog nebi bijo svet kada nebi bijo pravedan. AP. Pavle kaže u Tim. 2. 4:3-5 JER ?E DO?I VREME KAD ZDRAVE NAUKE NE?E SLUŠATI, nego ?e po svojim željama nakupiti sebi u?itelje kao što i uši svrbe. 4. I odvrati?e uši od ISTINE i okrenu?e se gatarima i vra?arima.
A ti sine Timoteju budi trezan u sva?emu trpi zlo i služi službu Evan?elja i službu svoju svrši. Da bi na kraju svog života mogo re?i kao Pavle dobar rat RATOVA trku svrši veru održa. A sad idem da primim venac Pravde KOJEGA Bog daje svima koji u Njega veruju po Pravdi i Istini. Da primimo Venac Pravde od Pravednog Sudije.
Tako nam govori i Prorok Zaharije u 8:7-8 Ovako veli Gospd, evo ja ?u izbaviti svoj narod iz zemlje Istocne i zemle Zapadne, dakle bi?e spašeni i na zapadu. 8. I doveš?u i oni ?e se nastaniti u sred Jerusalema, i bi?e mi NAROD a JA ?u im Biti BOG ISTINOM I PRAVDOM. Ovo govori Biblija a ne ja mali sluga od ISTINE Božije.
Mi živimo u starom gradu koji se zvao SIRMIJUM tu je verovatno ap Pavle doneo EVAN?ELJE jer piše da je napunijo EVAN?ELJE, ?ak do Ilirika a to je bilo podrucje do Dunava i do Ma?arske granice. Tu je bijo SVETI IRINEJ koji je pogubljen i ba?en u SAVU sa celom svojom zajednicom sa jednog od tri mosta koji su bili u to vreme. Danas ima samo jedan MOST I JA SAM SEMOLIJO DOK JE GRA?EN DA SE NAZOVE MOST SV IRINEJA I BOG JE USLIŠIJO MOJU MOLITVU HVALA MU. A bilo je još drugi stradalnika kao ?akon DIMITRIJE po kome je sadašnja Mitrovica dobila ime a pošto je u podrucju Srema zove se SREMSKA MITROVICA nekada SIRMIJUM.
Ovde sam od 1965. g i ja i moja supruga Slava svedo?imo za istinu da je Bog i Istina. Slava mu. Molite se za nas da nam Bog da snage da istrajemo do kraja u ovim teškim vremenima za decu Božiju.
Gospod sa vama Vaš u Hristu
ul Jupitrova 74
Mejl adresa:
TEL 00381-22-624-675
Dear brothers and sisters is Christ and our firends. Greetings in the name of the Lord and in the name of The TRUTH.
Today I would like to speak a little about salvation through The Truth. Sermons in our congregations are predominantly about salvation through Christ. That’s fine but that applies only during the time of Grace; but God’s Grace will soon cease and for many it will be too late to enter the ark of salvation by Grace and to accept The Lamb of God as God’s gift for our salvation.
My spirit shall not strive with man for ever, said The Lord. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way, and that is the Holy Spirit who lives in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus Christ and acgnowlege Him as their savior. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. This is Grace.
Some, as Jews, Muslims, Confucists, etc. have rejected this Grace. These days the world is in a deep qualm and God admonishes all people to repent and accept God’s gift, but they steadfastly refuse.
And what will happen? Christ will return all of a sudden and take his bride, and with her The Holy Spirit. People will begin to behave like animals: it will be a struggle for sustenance and a struggle for life. We can see this even today based on what is happening in the world. People are uprising, they are dissatisfied with the governments of this world but they have not respected the heavenly government and that is as if their punishment and damnation.
Blessed are those who partake in the first resurection. Noah and 8 souls were saved not because they were better than others, but because they heeded Noah’s warning about the danger which was to come from God. They entered the ark in time and did not procrastinate and when God’s judgement of this earth began they were saved from that trouble. They were in a safe place which God prepared for them.
God admonished many times and in many ways, through John the Baptist and through his Son Jesus Christ. He was God’s living Word incarnate. John the Baptist called people to repentance and to worthy fruit of repentance. People who believed came to him to confirm their faith and to be baptized in the Jordan River. The pharisees and the saduccees came also but John reprimanded them that they are not worthy to be baptized because they did not genuinely repent of their sins. He called them sons of snakes and devil’s seed. These were harsh words for them.
Then John saw someone who was coming down to him to be baptized. That was Jesus. John thought of him as bigger than he and he thought that he was not worthy to baptize him but that rather Jesus should baptize him. But Jesus told him to leave that alone for now and that they have to fulfill all of God’s jsutice. It was revealed to John that this was The Lamb of God which takes the sings of the world on itself. He said he was with me and I did not recognize him that it was him. After the baptism the Spirit of God sat on him in form of a dove and God’s voice was heard “this is my son, listen to him”.
John the Baptist said “He has to increase and I have to decrease” or grow quieter. John was an Old Testament prophet who sharply criticized even kings regarding sin, but through that he heaped upon himself contempt from sinners and so one sinner, Herodina, sought his head as a present. This happened because John said that she and her husband live in sin and adultery. She was Herod’s daughter-in-law and his wife.
When two of John’s students heard that Jesus was the promised Messiah they
went to Jesus and left John. One of them was Andrew, who brought his brother Simon to Jesus and who was later called Peter. And he too fell in the shadow of his big brother Peter and remained as a boundary stone between the Old and New Testament. He was the student of both John and Jesus. This is “Andrew’s Cross” which is slightly distorted and in the form of the letter X because it is argued by some that he had been demoted. He was initially the first but later became the last. But he was not forgotten of God.
Jesus had 12 disciples and preached in all the villages and towns, healed the sick, gave the blind their sight, the lame walked again, and that was a sign of His
Divine power. But Judas, His disciple, betrayed Him by selling Him for 30 pieces of silver. Judas betrayed the righteous blood. Peter renounced Him and lost his apostolic ministry, but later Jesus brought him back when He asked Peter in front of His desciples, “Peter do you love Me?” “Lord you know how I love you” “Feed my sheep and my lambs.” He did not criticize Peter for denying Him because He is full of love and mercy.
God’s path is narrow and thorny but Jesus is the light on that path. As thorns
blossom into a beautiful rose flower which has a fragrance and by its fragrance we know what kind of a rose it is when the sun envelops it. And so too the followers of Christ on the narrow path blossom when the Light of Christ shines upon them. They know what is the truth and what is a lie and what comes from the Father of Light and what from the father of lies.
But today there are many false fathers to whom many pray, but this is not the path to the Truth. People often ask me which religion is the right faith. Judaism, Islam or Christianity. And I tell them that true faith in the faith in the living God who
conquerred death and hell, and that He lives, so if He lives we too shall live with
Him. We can pray only to the living God but waiting for a response from a dead one, there will be no response to our prayers. Statues can not help anyone. They have to be carried. They can not walk on their own. They can neither do something good nor something evil.
Therefore we believe in God who still rules with all that we see and and don’t see.
True faith is in the heart. In Romans 10:10 it says “for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”
In the Old Testament people had to respect the Mosaic Law which was not perfect.
The judges pronounced verdicts on basis of the evidence and testimonies of two or three witnesses. But if the witnesses were to bear false witness, a man would lose his head, even and if he was in the right. This is what occured when Jesus was sentenced??. He was righteous but had been falsely accused and crucified on the cross at Golgotha. God the Father forgave that too because Jesus was the sacrifice for our salvation. With his stripes we are healed, if we believe in Him. If we do not believe then our unbelief will be our condemnation.
Because God looks on the heart He does not look at what people look at. In the heart resides the kind of justice similarly to how all the information resides on a hard drive in a computer. That’s where the truth resides. Just like on a lie detector thich detects lies and truth. And then the Lord will judge in righteousness and TRUTH which will reign in the Millennium, and the two nouns are feminine [in our language] and they do not reffer to Mary as some people interpret that in the third millennium people will pray to a woman. This is not The Truth but a lie. God is The Truth. Today I said that I will speak about justice and truth. God would not be holy if He were not just. Apostle Paul says in II Tim. 4:3-5 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4. And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
And you, Timothy, be sober, endure evil in all things as a Servant of the Gospel and serve in your calling. So that at the end of your life you will be able to say as Paul did, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. From now on there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing.”
Prophet Zechariah tells us the same in 8: 7-8 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country; And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness. This is what the Bible says and not I who is a small servant of The Truth of God.
We live in an ancient city which was called Sirmium [] where most likely Apostle Paul brought the Gospel because it is written that he made full the Gospel, even into Illyricum [part of which is where we have our congregation] and Illyricum was a region which stretched up to ??the Danube River and the [current] Hungarian border. In antiquities, Saint Irenaeus also lived in our city [and had a congregation]. He was executed and dumped into the Sava River together with its congregation at one of the three bridges which spanned the Sava River at that time []. Today there is only one bridge and when the bridge was under construction I prayed that it would be named Saint Irenaeus Bridge and God answered my prayer and I thank Him or that. And there is yet another marthyr from our ancient city. He was deacon DIMITRIJE after whom the city of Mitrovica took its current name, and since the city is in the region of Srem, the city is called Sremska Mitrovica, and long ago it was called Sirmium.
I am here since 1965, and I and my wife Slava [Gloria] witnesses to the truth that God is the Truth. Glory be to Him. Pray for us that God gives us strength to endure to the end in these times which are difficult for the children of God.
The Lord be with you.
Yours in Christ,
74 Jupiter Street
22000 Sremska Mitrovica
Email address:
Telephone: 00381-22-624-675